
Software and API.

sunkit_spex Package#

sunkit_spex.thermal Module#


thermal_emission(energy_edges, temperature, ...)

continuum_emission(energy_edges, ...[, ...])

line_emission(energy_edges, temperature, ...)

Calculate thermal line emission from the solar corona.


Define continuum intensities as a function of temperature.


Define line intensities as a function of temperature for calculating line emission.


Read default abundance values into global variable.

sunkit_spex.integrate Module#


gauss_legendre(func, a, b[, n, args, ...])

Compute a definite integral using fixed-order Gaussian quadrature.

fixed_quad(func, a, b[, n, args, func_kwargs])

Compute a definite integral using fixed-order Gaussian quadrature. Module#



Read X-ray emission line info from an IDL sav file produced by CHIANTI.


Read X-ray continuum emission info from an IDL sav file produced by CHIANTI



Returns the abundances written in the xray_abun_file.genx

sunkit_spex.emission Module#

Functions for computing the photon flux due to bremsstrahlung radiation from energetic electrons impacting a dense plasma. See [1] and [2].




Compute the energy dependant terms of the collisional energy loss rate for energetic electrons.

_get_integrand(x_log, *, model, ...[, efd])

Return the value of the integrand for the thick- or thin-target bremsstrahlung models.

_integrate_part(*, model, photon_energies, ...)

Perform numerical Gaussian-Legendre Quadrature integration for thick- and thin-target models.

_split_and_integrate(*, model, ...[, integrator])

Split and integrate the continuous parts of the electron spectrum.

bremsstrahlung_thin_target(photon_energies, ...)

Computes the thin-target bremsstrahlung x-ray/gamma-ray spectrum from an isotropic electron distribution function provided in broken_powerlaw.

bremsstrahlung_thick_target(photon_energies, ...)

Computes the thick-target bremsstrahlung x-ray/gamma-ray spectrum from an isotropic electron distribution function provided in broken_powerlaw_f.


BrokenPowerLawElectronDistribution(*, p, q, ...)

A broken or double power law electron flux distribution and integral.

Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of sunkit_spex.emission.BrokenPowerLawElectronDistribution

sunkit_spex.constants Module#

Class and code to easily switch between astropy constants and values taken directly from SSW for comparision.


Constants(*args, **kwargs)

Centralised constant representation

Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of sunkit_spex.constants.Constants

sunkit_spex.fitting_legacy Package# Module#

The io module contains code to read instrument specific spectral data.



Read a .pha file and extract useful information from it.


Read a .arf file and extract useful information from it.


Read a .rmf file and extract useful information from it.


Read RHESSI spectral fits file and extract useful information from it.


Read RHESSI SRM fits file and extract useful information from it.


Read STIX spectral fits file and extracts useful information from it.


Read a STIX SRM spectral fits file and extract useful information from it.

sunkit_spex.photon_power_law Module#


compute_broken_power_law(energy_edges, ...)

Analytically evaluate a photon-space broken power law and bin the flux.

compute_power_law(energy_edges, norm_energy, ...)

Single power law, defined by setting the break energy to -inf and the lower index to nan.

integrate_power_law(energy, norm_energy, ...)

Evaluate the antiderivative of a power law at a given energy or vector of energies.