

Returns the abundances written in the xray_abun_file.genx

The abundances are taken from CHIANTI and MEWE. The source filenames are: cosmic sun_coronal sun_coronal_ext sun_hybrid sun_hybrid_ext sun_photospheric mewe_cosmic mewe_solar The first six come fron Chianti, the last two from Mewe. They are: cosmic sun_coronal sun_coronal_ext sun_hybrid sun_hybrid_ext sun_photospheric mewe_cosmic mewe_solar These abundances are used with CHIANTI_KEV. MEWE_KEV can only use the two mewe sourced abundance distributions unless using a heavily modified rel_abun structure for all of the elements.


abundance_type (str) – Type of abundance to be read from file. Option are (From Chianti) 1. cosmic 2. sun_coronal - default abundance 3. sun_coronal_ext 4. sun_hybrid 5. sun_hybrid_ext 6. sun_photospheric 7. mewe_cosmic 8. mewe_solar - default for mewe_kev


Array of 50 abundance levels for first 50 elements.

Return type:
